【声明】すべての運動にフェミニズムを! FEMINISM FOR ALL MOVEMENTS!
上田雅子 元井摩耶 石川日菜 YT 兼近修身 AWC Youth 一橋大学黒色学生有志S 吉村 ミク 服部恭子 南守 大谷良太 ベランダハム りん さくら 迫田英文 菅沼亜由美 竹本昇 Aoi 朴偕泰 永谷ゆき子 西浩孝 林照朗(リンチョラン) minoritymind and majority one 市崎鈴夫 塚本泰史 奥田雅雄 松尾彰 大野昌言 よんちゃん 相澤直子 篠原幸代 A ちょんかんす uhi 安藤舞 すじゃ echo 上原 さんぎ 不死身@夜職 みも 菊地夏野 林貞和 原口瑠智亜 石川慧 中村亘 源忠親 長坂りえ 小田智敏 たたかうあるみさん 上井千絵 早尾貴紀 高石昭 intellipunk 究極Q太郎 やも 牟礼晶子 加藤崇 烏丸百九 よんぎ 星原宏一 鍋谷美子 崔 理氣(LeeChy) ヒルチョンズ ユカ 増野徹 田原孝平 屋嘉比優子 きのコ Kaworu 駒井高之 中塚智彦 稲村守 朴沙羅 戸口太功耶(ZAN) 具民和 金津まさのり Ostasien Antikolonial 雑賀健 太田貴文 木村敬 山本和則 影本剛 米田量 広瀬ケーナ 奥田圭 olive olive 野村素子 Swing MASA st ゆめさん 佐藤知子 大矢聡美 井谷聡子 矢野裕子 松原康彦 佐藤正悟 竹林隆(大阪全労協顧問) 岡田有生 山村頼 Makoto Akamatsu 井坂博文 永野三智 稲場雅紀 神長恒一 篠田美津代 Nemoto Miki 唐沢幸子 李 智映 紀愛 要友紀子 中村一成 高橋慎一 松本浩美 せっぱつまりこ 堀江有里 H.S 藤田優 奥田和浩 サイヨウウ 韓成祐 在日韓国青年同盟 芝奈津子 たぬき御膳 松藤さおり Akira Nagasawa 岡崎あきら 原戸昭浩 ステファン 田中玲 脇坂洋一 原田はるみつ 村上敏明 岡崎丘 市村忍 細川隆好 金原甫 平田郁夫 芹沢亀吉 加納洋 luka_luc_lip(匿名2名) 猪股祐介 Kumamoty 横田祐美子 中田政義 新開純也 廣瀬純 田中駿介 佐藤未悠 神秘人 水谷晨 車屋ゆきと co mochi 河本順子 田崎英明 キムミョンファ sumiki@ 吉永剛志 花咲政之輔 黒薔薇アリザ 三浦美和子 五郎丸聖子 中国无政府主义工团 松浦駿真 橋口昌治 佐々木祐 栗原康 松島康勝 岡本愛子 鈴木くみ子 水谷保孝 こばたく 松島泰勝 橋口昌治 駒込武 ネイム 山岸裕 杉山拓矢 キム・スギ 加藤正信 宮本綾 永井伸和 金泰泳 Ikachan 石井辰彦 宮越里子 akira まえだけいこ 原戸昭浩 佐藤さおり 西田尚史(韓国市民運動交流コーディネーター) 花井章浩 永野潤 はにや 片山佳代 マグノロフカ おおむろえみ 安齋創太 名波ナミ 高橋健太 森田暁 古怒田望人 鈴木翔大 古怒戸望人 ひかる 関西大学だめライフ愛好会 伊藤公雄 一井不二夫 伊田久美子 古久保さくら 佐藤友子 富岡勝 東出融
・近年、マジョリティ女性以外の存在を周縁化する「フェミニズム」 の議論が広まっており危機感を感じています。 本来のフェミニズムは、この声明のように、 あらゆるマイノリティの権利を擁護するものであるべきです。 マジョリティ至上主義的な「フェミニズム」に反対し、 この声明に強く賛同します。
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〇Currently, there is a serious lack of feminism in various movements in Japan. Discrimination and sexual violence are reproduced in the field of movements. We want to change this situation.
We are committed to the abolition of discrimination against women, sexual minorities, and all forms of sexual violence, and to the liberation of all people from gender norms.
We believe that discrimination against women and sexual minorities is due to gender norms that are closely related to the Emperor system and patriarchy.
Gender norms include cisheteronormativity, monogamy, purity ideology, love-romantic ideology, gender dualism, essentialism, gender roles, and norms of gender expression and sexuality. We are thoroughly opposed to all of these. We want to build a movement for social change to break free from gender norms that are created, maintained, and reproduced for the purpose of controlling sex and reproduction by the state and the ruling class.
Discrimination against women and sexual minorities are not two separate things. Both have their roots in gender norms connected to the Emperor system-patriarchy. We firmly oppose the idea of separating discrimination against women and sexual minorities. We oppose gender dualism and essentialism and absolutely will not tolerate transgender discrimination, non-binary discrimination, or X-gender discrimination.
Even “women” have different individual experiences and suffer discrimination based on their ethnicity, disability, tribal status, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, DSD, economic class, etc. Based on this premise, we believe that true women's liberation can only be achieved by fighting against all forms of discrimination. True women's liberation is liberation from the identity of woman.
We believe that only through the active participation of all people, not only women and sexual minorities, in this struggle will the elimination of gender norms and the abolition of all forms of sexual violence become feasible. We also believe that the stereotypical picture of “women as victims and men as perpetrators” is incorrect and not the reality of the situation. We do not tolerate all forms of sexual violence (including sexual harassment, second rape, second rape, outing, misgendering, and dead naming) regardless of the gender and sexuality of the perpetrator or victim.
We demand that the right to sexual self-determination be guaranteed to all.
・We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind against gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexuality, or gender expression.
Sex work is work, and sex work abolitionism is based on ideas that bind women to idealized images of womanhood, chastity, love-romantic ideology, and reinforce gender norms. We stand in solidarity with the real struggles of all sex workers, including sexual minorities, and demand that their rights as workers be guaranteed. Naturally, we oppose the coercion and trafficking of sex work in slavery-like conditions. There are calls for the abolition of sex work on the grounds that all sex work is “sexual exploitation,” but “exploitation” exists in all labor in a capitalist society. However, just as in other industries, the first step in solving discrimination and exploitation against those who are sex workers is to fight for their rights as workers and to improve their working environment and other rights. We demand the “decriminalization” of sex work.
We do not tolerate sexual violence by all military forces and demand an apology and compensation for victims of sex slavery by the former Japanese military.
We demand the abolition of the family register system linked to the Emperor System - the Love Romantic Ideology - and the monogamy-centered marriage system and family register system. In addition, we oppose the current exclusion of homosexuals and transgender people from the marriage system. We also oppose discrimination against illegitimate children.
We oppose discrimination against polyamory, allomancy, and asexuality, and demand that sexuality be respected in all its forms and relationships. (We oppose discrimination based on physical appearance = looky-loos, against discrimination based on sexuality (to be/not to be in love, to have/not to have sexual relations with whom/how, to form families or couples in what way, etc.).
We oppose discrimination based on appearance = lookism.
We oppose prenatal checkups based on eugenics.
Feminism that does not oppose colonialism is false and we are firmly against pinkwashing.
We call for the guarantee of bodily integrity (the right not to have one's right to self-determination over one's own body violated). We demand that everyone be guaranteed the right to sexual and reproductive health, and that everyone have the right to reproductive self-determination without discrimination or violence. These include: the right to legal and safe contraception and abortion; the right to education and access to correct knowledge about these issues; the right to decide, without discrimination or coercion and in an appropriately informed environment, whether or not to have a baby if they are presumed to be fertile; the right not to be forced to undergo sterilization or abortion, The right to health during menstruation, access to correct knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases, and access to safe treatment.
We do not allow forced sterilization of people with disabilities and oppose the systemic coercion of forced sterilization and hormonal treatment of transgender people. We call for the introduction of a self-ID system.
We call for the guarantee of the right to safe and secure access to medical care for transgender and other people of all genders and sexualities.
We call for the implementation of appropriate sex education.
We demand the immediate abolition of criminal abortion laws and spousal consent in abortion procedures, as well as the urgent revision of the Maternal Protection Law, which only defines “women” as “childbearing beings” and prohibits them from undergoing sterilization of their own volition.
Through this statement, we would like to express our solidarity with many of you. Of course, anyone can be subject to discrimination and sexual violence (including outing, etc.). Of course, there is a possibility that anyone may engage in discrimination or sexual violence (including outing, etc.). We recognize this fact and will continue our efforts to respect the voice of each and every one of you.
Sexual Minorities: transgender, lesbian, gay, bisexual, allomantic, asexual, X-gender, non-binary, pansexual, polysexual, transmasculine, transfeminine, (although there are differences of opinion among the parties as to whether they are sexual minorities or not), DSD, and those with any sexuality (fetish or otherwise). DSD (although there are differences of opinion among the parties as to whether they are sexual minorities or not), and those with any kind of sexuality (fetishism, etc.), whose definitions fluctuate according to the realities of life and struggle.
Calling: people who want to make feminism a norm in all movements